Thursday, January 31, 2008
this is my third time to create a blog but my mind is so amnesiatic..whether i like it or not,,there is an instance that i will forget my password..i'm so hopeless..please help me to fight this hallucination..that's why i technically save my password in this wonderful blog in our pc..dunno what's really on my mind why i'm still writing in blog..i like this but my mind doesn't agree..getting used to it,,tell me about yours..
Tuesday, January 29, 2008
i got this picture when we are going home na...the sun was setting at that time when i captured it...
ship's made me crazy and dizzy..don't know why..all that made me happy is the scene around me and the fishes that jumps before us..i was just ignorant...happy isn't it...maybe you don't understsand nor appreciate my story..but when you've had this experience,,surely you'll be speechless..i understand things..1, it's good to see nature how beautiful it is or they are..2, in order to envelop ouselves with these extraordinary scenery,,learn to conserve and love nature..3, appreciate and thank God always for the world around us...visit your respective provinces and then you'll understand what i am saying..go..